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Closing the Racial & Economic Gap in Housing

We envision a world where everyone has equitable access to housing in diverse and vibrant communities. See how we carry out our mission to make that a reality.

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Gifts of every size are a part of the collective impact that is providing affordable housing opportunities.

Together, we can prevent displacement
and stabilize our communities.

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Free Intro Mini Course

on Limited Equity Cooperatives!

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Our Mission

Provide, facilitate, and advocate for inclusive, affordable housing for underserved communities in order to promote equitable, thriving and diverse neighborhoods in the greater DC, Maryland and Virginia (DMV) area.

Our Vision

A world where everyone has equitable access to housing in diverse and vibrant communities.

We’re fostering healthy and thriving communities through 5 core initiatives

Tenant Purchase Training & Technical Assistance

Provide technical assistance and training to low-income tenant groups exercising their right of first purchase under DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act; foster development of limited equity cooperatives along with leadership, management and financial training

Affordable Rental Housing

Develop and renovate rental buildings to preserve long-term, deeply affordable housing and prevent displacement.

Cooperative Leadership Academy

A free knowledge sharing and training forum designed to build capacity of members of limited equity cooperatives to learn or review details of effective cooperative management and operations.

Genesis Intergenerational Community

Build community connections across three generations while providing high-quality, affordable housing for aging seniors and young families.

Homes for Sale

Build new and renovate abandoned deteriorated homes into energy-efficient affordable homes to sell to low and moderate-income first-time homebuyers.

$ 0

Invested in
affordable housing


Units of affordable housing
created or preserved


People with extremely low-to moderate income housed.

We secure funding to develop affordable rental units, single-family homes, and limited equity cooperatives.

We invest in preserving and renovating buildings to provide high-quality, deeply affordable rental and limited equity cooperative homes to reduce the shortage of housing that is affordable and available for extremely low income residents.

We leverage laws such as the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act to fight displacement and increase affordable housing opportunities for generations to come.

Support the Work


Our mandate is to to provide affordable housing in the Washington D.C. area to foster healthy and thriving communities. Your donation helps us to expand affordable housing and homeownership opportunities throughout the DC area.


The city needs to hear directly from you about why investments in affordable housing are critical. Ask your councilmember to commit to funding the preservation and expansion of DC’s declining affordable housing stock.

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