The Girard House Co-op located in Columbia Heights is a shining example of how much progress can be achieved in improving and preserving affordable housing in a high rent area when people work together for a common cause. Mi Casa Inc began working with residents of Girard House in 2012 when they began organizing to purchase their building with the goal of keeping it affordable and improving it due to some long-overdue repairs.

In a typical process, organizing a tenant association and registering intent to purchase the building is just the first step. Next, members must obtain acquisition funding and convert to a cooperative. After this, the co-op must work to develop the scope of work for renovations, hire the development team, secure a building permit and acquire additional funding for renovation work. Mi Casa Inc worked with the Girard House co-op members throughout the process, and the co-op was able to close on the funding for construction just this past January.

Through it all, the board members have remained highly committed, with many of the original members staying on through the entire process, making sure the building was effectively managed and maintained. “We have to work together to make decisions to ensure that each step of the process is carried out. The work is demanding, it’s not easy but it’s achievable,” explained board member Samuel who has been living in Girard House for six years. Residents have been diligent as well by actively participating in Mi Casa Inc’s co-op trainings and meetings, and by paying membership fees on time, which has significantly increased the financial stability of the co-op during its pre-renovation period. “They are a passionate group who have grown in cohesion over the years, and they have been very proactive about attending Zoom meetings with us and with the architect to discuss changes to the building and next steps,” said Daniela Revollo, the project manager at Mi Casa Inc who has been working with the Girard House co-op.

The success of Girard House co-op comes amidst a time when the values of properties in Columbia Heights continue to skyrocket. The most expensive apartment in the neighborhood, which lies adjacent to the Girard House, was sold in 2017 for $2.3 million. Having organizations that support the creation of affordable housing is very important. “Mi Casa has been a motor of change in Washington. They are helping many people, that is, being connected to organizations like Mi Casa supports us in getting the things we need to move forward. More than anything, they are the ones who are working with us to make sure all the processes in the project are carried out,” said Samuel of his experience working with Mi Casa Inc. Mi Casa Inc is proud to support residents in their efforts to maintain truly affordable housing in their community. Many of the Girard House residents identify as Spanish speakers and Latinos and their board members come from diverse backgrounds. Keeping affordable housing in this area also helps to prevent displacement which is particularly important for promoting racial equity within communities and promoting safety during this pandemic. June 1, 2020, marked the first day of Phase 1 construction for Girard House, and the co-op is excited to see their vision for the building come to fruition.